10 Best Fuel Management Systems on the Market

10 Best Fuel Management Systems on The Market

Source: www.fueloyal.com

But, unlike some other fuel management systems, Fueloyal adds an additional level of protection. Our unique patented locking fuel cap (ICap 1000) actually prevents both the tampering of the device but also the removal (siphoning) of fuel after entering the tank.

Thus this eliminates the fuel theft that can occur at rest stops, truck stops and during driver’s rest periods.

Additionally Fueloyal offers a free IFTA tax-reporting tool, to handle your International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) reporting requirements.

Also, to see just how much inaccurate fuel handling is costing you, check out our Fuel Theft Calculator.

Source: www.fueloyal.com

Furthermore you can try and use our Fuel Purchase Optimization Tool and save money on fuel with our Fuel Optimizer.

So, with easy installation, real time updates, and anti-siphoning guarantees there is nothing better on the market.



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