10 Best Reality Trucking TV Shows Ever

Source: www.CMT.com
Source: www.CMT.com

Thereupon, the vehicle hackers or better known as “Chrome Shop Mafia” have made this trucking show in order to help, or better said to give a chance to truck drivers that cannot afford renovation of their trucks. So how do they take action?

The “Chrome Shop Mafia” is receiving letters, as well as calls from truck drivers’ relatives and friends, and based on the content of those letters they choose which truck driver out of them all should get a truck renovation.

Straight after the “Chrome Shop Mafia” decides which one of the truck driver candidates is going to be the one that is going to get a truck renovation, they contact them and give them similar loaner truck whereas they take his truck for remodeling.

Hence, the vehicle hackers are remodeling candidates’ truck completely with customized designed themes as well as with electronic enhancements (including tires, exhaust pumps, and so on.). At the very end of each episode, the hackers are showing the remodeled trucks to their clients.



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