10 Best Trucker Magazines In US

10. Heavy Duty Trucking Magazine

10-best-trucker-magazines-in-us-11Source: www.issuu.com

 Heavy Duty Magazine was incorporated in the early 90’s, as the years passed by this trucker magazine has risen up to be one of the editorial leaders in the field of trucking news and articles.

On a monthly basis over 115.000 executives and more than 4.000 truck drivers are reading this trucker magazine, and that speaks volumes about the quality of the content that they are providing to their readers.

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Amazingly, Heavy Duty Trucking Magazine so far has been awarded with 25 Neal awards, as well as with 18 Certificates of Merit. In the editorials of HDT Magazine you can read about multiple topics, topics that cover almost all areas in the trucking industry, such as:

In addition HDT Magazine has employed three editors that have obtained Commercial Drivers Licenses. When there is any need of doing regular and new truck tests those three editors are always present and are evaluating new trucks, engines, as well as new components.

All in all this trucker magazine is representing a leader in the most innovative and effective media services that concern the trucking industry, and that has made this trucker magazine to be awarded with more than 100 top journalism awards.



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