10 Biggest Trucks In The World

10 Biggest Trucks In The World

Get FREE White Paper With 12 Safety Secrets To Know When Driving The Biggest Trucks In The World

3. Hitachi EH50000AC-3 has AC-Drive technology

  • The Slip/Slide Control System is anti lock brake system which makes it really important in unsafe conditions
  • The pitch control feature for Hitachi EH50000AC-3 as advanced AC-Drive System means reduced bouncing of the truck.
  • Another feature when it comes to Hitachi EH50000AC-3 that is not a case for the other biggest trucks is the side control feature that improves the operation of the truck trough slippery conditions while turns.
  • The improved IGBT system provides better efficiency
  • Electric braking
  • The Alternator, the traction motors and the Grid resistors are air cooled

10 Biggest Trucks In The World

You can see that the Hitachi EH50000AC-3 as one of the biggest trucks in the world have advanced technology for mining trucks. The performance makes this truck have low diesel fuel consumption and low maintenance cost.

The braking system makes it steady and secure which makes it one of the biggest trucks that are reliable and perfect for mining materials.



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