7. Komatsu 960E-1/960E-1K
Another truck that is classified in the 10 biggest trucks is Komatsu 960E-1/960E-1K and it is one of the most produced trucks of Komatsu.
It provides good mining efficiency and together with the powerful engine and the high-quality braking system becomes one of the most efficient trucks.
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Komatsu manufacturers use powerful engines to provide enough power for the electric motors that are mounted to the rear wheels.
These trucks are produced to provide high-quality service operating 365 days in a year. Every piece of Komatsu equipment is designed to fulfill the highest customer expectations.
Source: www.irancagroup.com
Here are the specifications of the Komatsu 960E-1/960E-1K:
- (Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor) AC electric drive system
- It weight around 635t
- It has Advanced Hill Start
- The Engine Gross horsepower is 2610 kW 3,500 HP
- The Engine is compliant with US EPA regulations for emissions
- Engine of the Komatsu 960E-1/960E-1K is fuel efficient (fuel efficiency is maximized with two-stage turbo charging which provide optimized air handling)
- Komatsu 960E-1/960E-1K has a standard pre-lube system. This system eliminates the increased overhaul and the start up wear
- Traction control
- Tight turning radius of 16m 52′ 6″
- Komatsu 960E-1/960E-1K has low slowing noise
- Reliable hydraulic system
- Brake accumulators
- Steering accumulators
- The truck cabin of the Komatsu 960E-1/960E-1K is spacious which provides excellent visibility
Source: www.komatsuamerica.com
This truck as one of the biggest trucks has diesel/ AC electric powertrain that is made in the US Komatsu America Corp. This truck is not just one of the biggest trucks it is also one of the most efficient trucks for mining purpose.