10 Facts to Know When Using Truck Driver Signing Bonuses

10 Facts to Know When Using Truck Driver Signing Bonuses

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Source: www.wsj.com

That is fine, and yes this is actually intended as a tip. Perhaps not just about truck driver signing bonuses, but with every piece of advice and opinion shared. Don’t dismiss free advice, embrace it and take from it what you can.

With that said here are a few more facts about truck driver signing bonuses to ponder.

Bonus Fact Number 1: How Truck Driver Signing Bonuses are paid?

Trucking companies have different methods of paying truck driver signing bonuses. Trucking company owners pay them in increments, or  in a lump sum.  They all have  different schedules for paying the bonus, so it will all depend on the company policy.

Some companies pay the entire bonus after 90 days of employment. Another company may pay the full amount in few consecutive months. While, there are some companies that will wait over a year to pay what they owe to you.

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Source: www.abovethelaw.com



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