
10 Important Facts About Truck Air Brakes

Remember to drum is designed to take a lot of heat, and that comes from engaging the truck air brakes.

The exact amount of heat really depends on the drum (manufacturers vary). But it also depends on how hard and long the brakes were applied for. If too much heat were to build up the brakes would stop working, and no one wants that!

10 Key Points regarding Truck Air Brakes
Source: www.efolio.lattc.edu


Though this is an exciting and wonderful career to be a part of, there are issues and things to know. Some just come with practice and time. Experience can truly be the best teacher. But there are also things which you must understand and learn right away. All the best truck drivers will tell you they never stop learning!

Spring brakes, truck air brakes and all different types of brake systems are sturdy, durable, designed to give the best stopping assistance possible. The average truck weighs several pounds; add a heavy load and it can take a lot to stop. So, never underestimate the importance of your truck air brakes, they are one of the most important truck equipment.



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