10 Secrets to Know Before Buying a Best GPS

Be as it may, the best GPS system providers are requiring long-term contracts, but bear in mind that long-term contracts are not your only option.

There is a big competition for GPS tracking devices out there so you can make the choice to take advantage of the competitive market.

5. Ask About The GPS Data Storage Size

In general, when speaking about the best GPS storage data size, we can see that almost all GPS devices can store the maximum of:

  • 50 routes;
  • 000 way-points;
  • 20 tracks;

As you can see this best GPS data storage size is not enough for over the road truckers. Simply, it is not realistic to store and load all routes and way-points into your GPS device at once. That is so because the maps are in fact large files and do require more storage.

Source: www.trucknews.com
Source: www.trucknews.com

So, if the GPS device cannot store all maps that the truck driver is in need of, what his options would be?

Speaking of that, the best option for truck drivers who are driving longer routes would be to bring a laptop. It can solve the problem for sure. With the help of the laptop, the truck driver could download the tracks and maps, whereas cleaning the old data on the GPS, then upload new data.



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