10 Secrets to Lower Your Blood Pressure for DOT Physical Exam

10 Secrets to Lower Your Blood Pressure for DOT Physical Exam

Source: www.blog.driveforprime.com
Source: www.blog.driveforprime.com

By regular exercise you are strengthening your hard; and a stronger hard will pumps more blood with less effort and will decrease the force that is put on your arteries, so all that will result in lowering blood pressure.

If needed, work on losing weight and with that improving your BR. Remember even the smallest amounts of weight loss can cut hypertension, and lower your blood pressure.


The DOT physical exam might seem like a hassle, it might even seem unnecessary, but it is important. I know there are doctors who have been lenient, but that isn’t the norm.

Remember their job and reputation is on the line as well. Would you want a mechanic to not properly check your truck? No, of course not, so why would you want that of your doctor?

Your health is very important and though the trucking lifestyle isn’t always the perfect environment for peak fitness, there is no reason to ignore your health.

After all if you can’t work how will pay the bills? So take it serious, get the appropriate check-ups. And when you do get the DOT physical exam take it serious as well!

To learn more about controlling and lowering your blood pressure and the DOT Physical exam check out these resources:



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