10 Secrets to Lower Your Blood Pressure for DOT Physical Exam

10 Secrets to Lower Your Blood Pressure for DOT Physical Exam

Like I have said there are a numerous things you can do to keep your blood pressure where it needs to be.

Not just for the DOT physical exam, but for the good of your mind and body. I can offer you a few quick pointers, but again always get proper advice.

Source: www.forbes.com
Source: www.forbes.com

Now of course some of the things in the following sentences might seem obvious. But those are the hardest habits to break. So with that in mind, eating a bit healthier, including reducing your salt and sodium intake is a step in the right direction.

Sure, there are a few recommended foods that are readily available! Like your momma always said, “Eat your vegetables”.

Well it was true then and still is today. But along with that are your fruits. And if you can eat things rich in potassium, well that’s all the better for you.

Source: www.forbes.com
Source: www.forbes.com

So, that would be things like bananas, potatoes, white beans, leafy greens, and apricots. Also drinking beet juice which I mention earlier is said to help. Some say this could lower your blood pressure within just a couple hours; it took three hours to lower mine!

In addition to this remember to drink plenty of water. Staying well hydrated is very important for all your organs. But water also helps flush out the toxins and other impurities, thereby assisting in maintaining a healthy blood pressure level.



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