10 Things To Know To Properly Fill In DVIR Form

When writing any remarks it is essential that the truck driver checks whether the conditions of the above vehicle are satisfactory.

Or if any above effects that can be found in the remarks should be corrected for a safe operation of the vehicle.

Both the Mechanic’s signature and the driver’s signature should be put if any defects are being corrected on the truck.


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Also, some automated DVIR form apps are enabling truck drivers to use voice to text when leaving remarks.

Tip: The driver should always sign his name right on the device.

Once these steps are finished, the truck driver will have to click save and email- to send it to his supervisor, manager or owner.

Yet, the DVIR will be saved automatically in the recipient email and on the handset.

5. An Access To The Completed Pre-Trips

The truck driver who is using digitalized DVIR form- that is to say who is using DVIR form app can have an easy access to the completed pre trips.

Source: www.peoplenetonline.com



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