Once you signed it, there is very little you can do. Be very careful with this and always ask for written proposal and offer with described the proposal content.
Check What is the Cost If you Want to Stop Using Ryder Truck Leasing
Running a business in these challenging economic times is never an easy task. It is not easy to predict all the events over the next 5 years and sometimes we need to create or have a plan B just in case things don’t develop and evolve the way we want it.
Multiple reasons for that could be:
- dedicated truckloads contract get canceled or not renewed
- there is a partner split
- dispatch department start performing poorly
- load prices and profit goes down
Yes, a lot of things we don’t expect can happen and it is good to know if suddenly you have 5 trucks you don’t need anymore how to get them back and cancel the Ryder truck leasing contract.