10 Things You Must Know About Dry Bulk Transportation

In general, the loading, as well as the unloading process, depends on a great measure from the blower, but it also depends on the type of loads. For example, if you want to load sand, in average it will take you from 5 to 8 mins to load around 30 tons of frac sand.

5. Most Common Dry Bulk Freight

Dry Bulk Trailers are designed in a way that they can perform transportation of raw products, that is to say, anything from sugar and cement up to plastic pellets. Most commonly the freight that dry bulk trailers are engaged in transporting is not hazardous, as well as dangerous.

Thereupon, the most common dry bulk freight can be classified as very fine materials that can flow in the same manner that liquid flows. In this categorization, we can find all different kind of materials, such as are the cement, coarse materials, sand, some food types, and so on.

Source: www.chicagocement.com
Source: www.chicagocement.com

I would like to start from the cement, which is one of the most common items that dry bulk trucks are hauling. The fact that this is one of the most commonly transported materials, does not mean that it is the easiest to transport.



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