10 Things You Must Know About Dry Bulk Transportation

So, the step by step loading process of the dry bulk trailer would look like this:

Source: www.youtube.com
Source: www.youtube.com
  1. The truck driver should reassure that the built up pressure is relieved;
  2. The second step includes cover opening;
  3. The third step goes to the compartment loading, with the help of the gravity;
  4. After that, the product is being fluidized by an aeration system;
  5. Later on, if there is forced in-air, it helps to prevent a vacuum from forming on the location where the product is displaced;

On the other hand, the unloading process in step by step explanation would look like this:

Source: www.youtube.com
Source: www.youtube.com
  1. The truck driver opens the butterfly valve;
  2. Then the product drops into the hopper tee; after that, it is pushed out throughout the discharge line;
  3. After this operation the truck driver should check the valve that prevents the product from traveling back to the blower;
  4. Last but not least, you should know that the valve is the one that prevents the over-pressurization;



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