10 Tips To Avoid Legal Claims When Applying GPS Employee Tracking

These days there are not a lot of federal and state rules, more precisely statutes that prohibit or overcasts the use of the GPS for tracking employees.

In reality, the company might face potential risks of legal claims from employees who consider that their privacy is under violation.

5. Employee Monitoring and Workplace Privacy Laws

Employee monitoring and workplace privacy laws should always be respected by all companies that are implementing these solutions.

Therefore, due to the fast development of tracking technologies federal and regulatory bodies have issued additional privacy rights for the employees who are being tracked.

GPS employee tracking contract
Source: www.whitecollarlegalandadmin.com

Moreover, monitoring employees, in general, is not something new. There were companies implementing these technologies decade ago. Still, we must not forget that employee tracking and monitoring simply lay in the heart of the legal and privacy issues of every company.



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