Keep in mind some of the smaller truck tool boxes might be deceptive. How so? Well being small you’ll think they are easy to carry. That might not be the case once you fill it with all your tools, spare parts and truck equipment and other items.
5. How Much Does a Truck Toolbox Cost?
You’ll notice it keeps going back to the reason or need of the truck Toolbox. Pricing really depends on the size and the materials that the Toolbox is made of. Metal will usually be more expensive than plastic, many of the composite materials could cost you more.
But you can find basic small truck tool boxes for around $30 and up. Now if you need a larger or commercial grade truck Toolbox that could cost you a few thousand dollars!
6. Where to Find a Truck Toolbox (physical stores)
You can run into most any auto parts or other retailer that has an automotive department and find basic tool boxes. Sometimes you can find really nice ones at a good price, but it is recommended to go to a specialty shop if you’re going to use it commercially, for work.