Simply every morning before starting your next drive, go and make a walk around trailer and visually inspect trailer brakes.
Any way you are required to do your DVIR inspection every day so this is just a small extra task that will not bag you a lot.
After the trailer brakes inspection if you notice any situations that look to you like a big problem go to the nearest truck repair shop for a more detailed inspection.
The good thing with this is that you can choose where and when to make this inspection and adjust it according to your load trip.
If this happens on the road and cause you to stop the truck – repairing will be way more expensive.
7. Install Trailer Brake Controllers
I think there are even 10 years that I first heard for this trailer brake controllers and I’ve been watching and reading a lot about them and all the benefits they provide.
In simple words trailer brake controllers work as a middle man in between the trailer brake control inside the truck and actual trailer brakes installed on trailer.