Trailer BrakesTrailer Brakes

10 Secret Tips How To Use Trailer Brakes

That leads then that you are just changing oil and driving like maniac and not paying a lot of attention to the details such as trailer brakes.

Report your dispatchers and fleet manager that next time you go for truck oil change you would like to perform details inspection of trailer brakes.

Trailer Brakes

9. Eliminate Trailer Brake Freezing by Draining Air Tanks

This is a good tip to listen from really really experienced truck drivers that told me this secret tip.

This way you are making sure that all the air channels are dried and that there is no humidity or water that can lead to the trailer brakes freezing.

This makes logical sense, so use this small tip to eliminate the hard work of making you trailer brakes usable again after freezing.

10. Before Stopping during Winter Apply Some Pressure To Trailer Brakes To Dry Them

As you drive and approach to the gas station or truck stop for your well deserved rest it is recommended to use the trailer brakes few times but not with maximum pressure applied and to repeat this few times.



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