100 Interesting Facts About ELD Mandate

So, the paper logs are soon to be history, and we are moving in the new age of technology with this ELD!

It would have been all good and great if we were all same set of people, and react and accept changes the same way, but, the reality is totally different.

That is and the exact reason why we will have some good and bad things to consider when making the switch to Electronic Logs and implementing this ELD rule.

However, one thing is for sure, and that is the fact that we will all have to migrate to this new way of doing things pretty soon, regardless how that makes us feel!

Source: www.geotab.com

You can choose if you are going to wear a big trucker hat or not. Also, you can choose which fuel transfer tank to use, and the Freightliner dealers you want to use.

You can choose a lot of things, but when it comes to the ELD question, there is nothing to choose. You have to have it, it’s a done deal!

This is not one of the biggest USA trucking secrets, it’s a fact that the ELD is here, same like is a fact that we can’t bypass it! So why not try to make the best out of it!



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