In order to comply of with federal guidelines make sure you visit the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) . Also, check with your state for up to date regulations.
Because, if you mishandle hazardous cargo you can get fined or even end up in jail! No one wants that so follow the set rules.
Some Facts about Hazardous Cargo
Well, there are numerous bits and tidbits of information available. Some are true and some are not. With all the agencies involved at the local, state, federal, and even international levels it is impossible to mention everything.
But I hope you will find this info on a hazardous cargo of interest. Perhaps they will even encourage you to research a little more before attempting to ship hazardous cargo, without first having a full understanding of what the cargo is and how to properly handle it.
1. Everything can be Hazardous Cargo
Ok, that is a bold statement but it isn’t too far from the truth! No, really you would be surprised what can actually be labeled as hazardous cargo. Dangerous goods come in all shapes and sizes. They even actually have many uses. Often they are harmless when used and stored properly.