But one thing for sure, that is a lot of hazardous cargo running loose on our streets. What does it really mean?
Well by many estimates the number breaks down into about 3 billion tons (which seems more than what the above estimate was). If that is true, and you were to pile it all onto one scale it would equal the weight of over 500 Hoover Dams!
5. Hazardous Cargo – How is this Regulated?
I thought I beat that horse pretty good earlier. But then it got up again just to show me how stubborn it can be! Why would I say that?
Well, there are those who just don’t understand the seriousness of handling hazardous cargo. Sure everyone walks on eggshells when it deals with obvious stuff like toxic waste. But they just don’t get concerned with the everyday stuff, at least not everyone!
You are supposed to be properly trained on all hazardous cargo that will be transported by you or your company.