Why is this important? If you spot malfunction that you cannot fix you will be able to report the defect on time to the repair company and you will prevent unnecessary downtime for the truck.
Source: www.wheels.ca
Some of the benefits of daily checkups of your truck are:
- you are protecting yourself
- risk of a serious accident is reduced
- you will drive a more reliable truck
Remember that your company success comes from you and your colleagues together. If you get a penalty for not safe vehicle, that action will affect on you and everybody in the company, every bad income effect on everybody. Few penalties can bring bad safety rating.
Check The Status Of your Trailers
The trailer needs to be in perfect condition to finish your ride safely and on time. Check every part of the trailer like tires, wires, check your trucks and trailers at regular intervals to make sure that they are roadworthy and safe for travelling.
Source: www.ccjdigital.com
Regularly check the truck parts before they become a problem and cause much damage. With the trailer you need to check various trailer parts such as
- trailer axle and
- the electrical equipment
- proper hooking of the trailer onto the truck
- outside and inside doors
- wires
- brakes
- wheels
- sides
- floor
- roof
- air tanks
- undercarriage
- front wall
How often should you check your truck and trailer parts? Make frequent detail check ups and quick daily checks. Remember, you are not doing this just for the sake of your vehicle, you are doing this for your own safety, one day this action can save your life.
Check the status of your tires once a month
There are different reasons for checking the truck tires
- increasing the lifespan of your tires
- safety
- fuel economy
It is not important for what reason you are doing the checkups, you should always inspect the tires before you take the road, in this way you are protecting yourself and the load you are carrying.