12 Things To Know Before Getting Penske Truck Rental

Following situations are the ones you should pay attention to and make sure to know what could happen in case some of them occurs:

  • Who is allowed to drive a truck (the person renting it or a larger number of them)?
  • Should the fuel tank be returned full or you can leave it empty?
  • I pass can be also a matter of addition charge
  • What happens if you get a parking ticket?

Check the Insurance and What is Insurance Coverage

This is very important part and for that reason, I put in the last place so that you can remember after reading the article.

Insurance can change the price of the renting and it is worth applying attention to this part of the service.

Source: www.hankstruckforum.com
Source: www.hankstruckforum.com

Usually, you have three options every time you are renting a truck trough the Penske Truck Rental:

  • not taking any insurance coverage and to rely on your personal insurance policy
  • taking the limited insurance policy that covers only certain situations up to a certain level
  • to take the full insurance policy that pretty much covers and possible scenarios and amounts in most of the cases
Source: www.flickr.com



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