12 Ultimate Reasons Fleet Managers Need to Monitor Hard Braking

This innovative way is serving the truck driving community very well. In my opinion truck driver should be financially awarded for the safe driving and smart behavior. We can’t threat all the truck drives the same. The ones among them that pay attention to details deserve to make more money. This model simulates exactly that.

Hard Braking Can Cause an Accident

Unexpected hard braking situations can be very dangerous and cause an immediate traffic accident. In situations like this inexperienced truck driver can lose control of the vehicle or trailer and create a very dangerous situation for them and other vehicles.

Source: www.vandornandcurtiss.com
Source: www.vandornandcurtiss.com

In the situation when the road surface is very slippery like during the heavy rain or severe winter conditions (due to snow and ice) hard braking can cause total loss of control. Despite latest technology that is built in the trucks as a standard part of equipment truck drivers skill is still the most important factor.



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