15 Tips for Truck Driving in Winter Weather

Sometimes the special tires or even snow chains are required and even with them the packed snow can make the roads extra slick.  Keep your radio tuned into the radio stations for the local area to get the best up to date reports.

Source: www.pvfc2420.org
Source: www.pvfc2420.org

14. Situational Awareness, Know Who And What Is Around You

I will actually touch on another aspect of this next but, situational awareness is very important tip for truck driving in winter, or every other season, but at winter especially.

This isn’t just about knowing if you are safe in the parking lot, it is about knowing what is around you at all times.

Basically being aware of your surroundings, road conditions, weather reports, rest stops, truck stops, and everything else you might need in the event of an emergency.

They say you should actually scan your mirrors about every 8 seconds, by knowing what is around you, can help prevent accidents.

Also pay attention to other drivers; their driving habits, brakes lights, turn signals, and other travelling related concerns. 



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