15 Tips for Truck Driving in Winter Weather

Slow down and be alert. Braking distance and reaction distance are both compromised in winter weather.  Always have extra space between you and the next vehicle and don’t slam the brakes because you are risking of locking your brakes, which can bring you to situation where you lose control over your truck.

Now, if you was to drive up the hill then give some speed and keep momentum, otherwise you won’t make it up there.

Source: www. www.clarksvilleonline.com
Source: www. www.clarksvilleonline.com

8. Truck Driving In Winter Tip – Never Drive Tired, But Especially In Bad Weather

Driving tired is one of the biggest mistakes people can make. It reduces your reflex time, reduces your awareness, and can cause accidents. Studies have shown that driving while drowsy causes 3 out 4 driving mistakes, that’s 75%! Now if you combine that with hazardous road conditions your chances of being in an accident are even greater.

Of course we all have been there, feeling a little tired and still having all those miles in front of us. You feel like you will fall asleep while driving if you don’t stop somewhere soon.  



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