15 Tips to Find and Choose A Top Warehousing Company

15 Tips to Find and Choose A Top Warehousing Company

15. Ask If The Warehousing Company Offers Any Customer Recommendations

This might seem like a no brainer but companies often fail to offer their client list for you to check. Though it might seem odd this can for any number of reasons.

Perhaps the company wishes to remain confidential. Perhaps they just wish to be left alone. But more often than not there should be at least some companies who don’t mind sharing their information.


If there are no company recommendations or client list available, that might be a red flag. After all, if a company is truly doing business with a large number of clients at least a few of them will wish to speak with you and share their opinions.

Something else to consider too; most businesses who offer support services would want to share their client lists as a way to gain new perspective clients.



So when it comes to a warehousing company we are speaking about places that offer logistical support. Not the movie Warehouse (2012), though some might say is more entertaining than researching a warehousing company; on the end of the day it won’t help you store your cargo do!

So if you want entertainment check out some trucker songs , trucker movies or gifts for truckers blogs that I’ve written before.

But, if you want reliable service and support from a warehousing company, then start with our tips from this blog and build from there. After all, I know they aren’t the only suggestions available, but I hope they help.

Just remember when you’re storing and handing other people’s stuff it isn’t like dealing with your own. When something gets damaged it must be replaced and it can be a hassle sometimes determining liability. So make sure the warehousing company you deal with is legitimate, insured and bonded.

Have you used a warehousing company? Are you one of the many warehousing companies? Share your advices and experiences with us.



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