5).Drive At Times When You Are Normally Awake
Drowsy driving is related to more than 70% of truck accidents. Driving at times when you are normally awake will contribute to your safety. That is so because your body is used to function that way .
The most dangerous hours to drive are between 2 a.m. to 5 a.m. . If you are driving during the hours when you normally sleep might cause lowered simulation.
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6).Have 1 Cup Of Coffee
For sure coffee is not replacement for a good sleep, but if can wake you up. Small amounts of coffee like one cup of coffee can help you stay awake while driving around five hours. It is the best pick-me-up drink.
Source: www.shopwfrecords.com
But if you are a coffee lover, pay attention not to drink more than four cups a day. Truck drivers should avoid large doses of caffeine because it can harm them. If you are not a coffee lover than in that case you can substitute it with a large cup of green tea.
7).Chew 1 Ice Cube And Drive For Hours
Another great way of refreshment is chewing ice cubes. Only one ice cube can refresh you enough and it will prevent you from falling asleep. It is best to let the ice slivers melt in the mouth like candy.
Chew ice cubes and stay awake, but be careful because chewing ice can cause tooth injuries.