20 Things Every Trucking Office Needs To Have

20 Cheap Items Every Trucking Office Needs To Have

Your receptionist should be well versed on how to handle visitors properly.

20 Things Every Trucking Office Needs To Have
Source: www.ramorton.com

8. Ensure Your Trucking Office has a Semi-Private Customer Area

If you going to have your reception area separate from the main operations, then you need to have somewhere for them to wait. Every trucking office needs some kind of waiting room or customer lounge. This way they are comfortable as they wait.

Of course you don’t want them too comfortable to wait too long.

20 Things Every Trucking Office Needs To Have
Source: www.huktra.com

9. Ensure Your Trucking Office has a separate Driver’s Lounge Area

Just like you want your customers separate from the rest of the operations; you should do the same with the drivers. Your trucking office is going to have a lot going on from customers, to legal issue matters and the drivers don’t need to be around all of that.

Drivers have a right to know what is going on, they just don’t need to be in the way.

10. Ensure Your Trucking Office has a Training Room

Many medium and larger trucking offices have separate training and/or meeting rooms. These are great for many reasons. The obvious is when you have new truck driver hires or when regulations change and you need to brief your staff. They are also great for pitching to new clients.



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