20 Tips How To Protect Your Trucking Business From Cargo Theft

Yet, you can also focus your check on the employees that do have access to shipment information and loads.

Tip No.18: Form An Alliance With Other Trucking Companies

One of the best options for preventing cargo theft is forming an alliance with other trucking companies. This step can provide ultimate cargo protection to all the trucking companies that are in your area.

Source: www.overdriveonline.com
Source: www.overdriveonline.com

Moreover, if you form an alliance with other trucking companies, not only that you will get more information about the potential thieves and their most common location, but also you will be able to share thoughts and opinions with people that are working in the same industry as you are.

We can also consider this as adding another layer of security. There are proves that this alliances can increase the safety of both internal and external cargo theft.

Tip No.19: Hybrid Theft Scams

In this sub-heading that I have dedicated to the Tip No.19 For Preventing Cargo Theft, I will speak about the hybrid theft scams. The ones that have to be really concerned about the hybrid theft scams are the manufacturers and the other people that are in search for a trucking company to transport their logs.



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