25 Constant Factors Affecting The Trucking Industry

25 Constant Factors Affecting The Trucking Industry

Simple things like traffic and drivers tickets, accidents, and failed inspections can all bring your safety rating down. Safety first is not just a motto; it’s a necessity if you want to stay in business.

25 Constant Factors Affecting The Trucking Industry
Source: www.annaleahmary.com


5. Trucking Industry Factors – Maintenance cost:

This is a hard one to narrow down. Now you might not think about it a lot until the bill comes in, but truck maintenance cost can cut into your company’s profits faster than kids can empty a candy dish!


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Because, you always have routine cost like oil changes, tires, brakes, even truck mirrors, but then comes the more major costs like rebuilding the truck engine.

25 Constant Factors Affecting The Trucking Industry
Source: www.infotruck.blogspot.com


6. Trucking Industry Factors – Operational Cost:

These are quite simply the cost of doing business. Regardless the size and scope of your business (small trucking company or big trucking company) you will have to pay rent, utilities, equipment, office staff and drivers salary, the above mentioned maintenance, insurances, marketing, legal, and all the other cost related to running a successful trucking operation.

25 Constant Factors Affecting The Trucking Industry
Source: www.atri-online.org


7. Trucking Industry Factors – Insurances:

Like I had said in the beginning, many of these costs are intertwined. Insurance, is a MUST have. It is actually a legal requirement to have all your trucks insured properly.

But you will also need to have your freight and company insured. Don’t forget about actual building and employee insurance. There are ways to cut corners, but insurance is still something you must have.

25 Constant Factors Affecting The Trucking Industry
Source: www.truckwriters.com


8. Trucking Industry Factors – Weather Conditions:

This is the one that causes almost more headaches than the governmental regulators!



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