25 Reasons Why Truck Stop Showers Should Be Free

16. Increases Hormone Production

In the foreground cold showers can lead to regulation of the endocrine system. Not only that the cold water therapy improves and increases the adrenals and thyroid function, but also it can increase the hormone production.

Therefore it is recommendable for the truck drivers that have hormonal disbalance to take regularly cold showers in order to increase their hormone production.

The cold water can increase the hormone production by stimulating and activating the body’s glands, at the same time giving them a boosting.

17. Cold Showers Will Detoxify The Body

By removing the toxins from the body, you will have a better immune system and you will have a higher resistance from viruses and other infections. Among the best ways, and lets say one of the easiest way to detoxify the body is through having a cold shower.

25-reasons-why-truck-stop-showers-should-be-free-10Source: www.us.kohler.com

 But how does cold showers impact on the detoxification process in the body? Well it has been scientifically found that cold showers can increase the white blood cells- lymphocytes and monocites, and at the same time the cold showers have an impact on the stimulation of producing and releasing the endorphin in the body.

All these effects collected together make the body able to fight the toxins and other bacteria that can cause illness.



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