5 Best Truck Driver Prayers You Can Find

What really make trucking unsafe are the long routes, kinds of freight and dangerous roads, praying is a must. Not only the families of the trucker but the truckers and we all need to pray for the safety of the truck drivers.

With this in mind, it made me think, they are honestly risking their lives in order to make us happy. Generally speaking, it is the least a person can do in order to show them gratitude and respect for what they do.

Why Truckers Need Truck Driver Prayers?

To begin with, those solemn expressions in prayers are needed in order to calm truck drivers. In addition, the prayers are meant to give strength to truckers while they are on the road. Similarly, prayers give them faith in order to believe in good things and keep the bad thoughts away.

While there are those who pray for a new mobile phone, or a new dress this year, truck drivers are praying to make it safely. According to FMCSA, safety should be every trucker’s must.

Source: www.dougwells.com



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