Diesels is huge cost every trucking company has and we are looking for every way possible to save money at the pump. We already shy away from premium fuel, and we would like to save a few pennies per gallon more by going to an off-brand gas station. But, the one question remaining unclear here is: Is the cheaper gas going to damage the vehicle engine?
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Same as it is with most things in life the best answer for this question will be to take the middle ground. We might not be able to afford to buy the “Top Tier” diesel, but we sure can choose the middle priced standard gas and that way we will not only save on the years that our vehicle have left in it, but we will also save us some money on the long run.
Bad diesel is not a myth. Fouled fuel found in a vehicle tank can usually be linked to a few suspects: it either came from the refinery, the distributor or the filling station down the street.
In efforts to increase profit margins, gasoline suppliers often reduce, eliminate or use less effective detergent additives. Some commonly used low-quality deposit control additives accumulate on intake valve stems and cause them to stick, while others cause additional combustion chamber deposits.