50 Terms Everyone In The Trucking Industry Should Know

gooseneck in the trucking industry
Source: www.twitter.com

37. GVW – Gross Vehicle Weight

The GVW is a term in the trucking industry, used to explain a truck’s weight.

To put it in a different way, it is a weight of a straight truck or a combination unit which includes the body, the equipment, and the load.

38. Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR)

This term includes a total weight of the truck. As an illustration, it involves the weight of the load and the weight of the manufacturer.

39. Hazardous Material

Heard often, this trucking term includes substance materials. This term is determined in the trucking industry by the Secretary of Transportation.

As an explanation, hazardous materials are more often causing health and safety risks.

40. Heavy Hauler

Trucking company or a business which transfers articles that require special loading, unloading and transporting equipment.

However, heavy haulers are defining transportation types according to the size, shape, weight and other characteristics in the trucking industry.



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