7 Killing Profit Mistakes You Make as a Small Transportation Company

Usually, small transportation companies determine their cost per mile based on information that is incomplete.

As a result, you face financial disbalance and not getting enough profit from customers. In other words, you charge the clients and yet you are still economically unstable.

small transportation company success
Source: www.insperity.com

Knowing your freight costs as a small business will lead your company to success and eventually transform it into the category of ‘big business’.

What is important to remember is that you need to make serious, detailed bookkeeping calculations in order to get the mathematics right in the end.

4. Out Of Route Miles

According to a research, Americans are wasting more than 65 billion dollars sitting in a traffic on a yearly basis.

Let’s say that you need to visit a grocery store, the bank, and then another store, for example.

Did you know that there are actually 6 different routes to take?

Notably, with the number of stops, the number of the routes increases together with it proportionally.



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