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7 Most Popular Logistics Jobs in USA

Truck Dispatcher

If truck drivers are the key to the industry, than the truck dispatcher is the door. They are the ones ensuring that their drivers have loads to haul (and aren’t running empty). They also coordinated pick/drop off routes and times. Many consider the dispatcher to be the real backbone of the industry. real backbone of the industry

Now, it is very common for truck dispatchers to have real world experience as a truck driver (and most will say it helps), it not a requirement. They must have a strong understanding of the English language, Spanish in some parts of the US and even French when dealing with parts of Canada. They must be highly organized and able to handle high stress, while multitasking. Some would compare them to a circus juggler, because they must constantly juggle schedules, clients, and drivers while keeping track of everything.

A good thing about being a dispatcher is you work in a centralized location. You spend most of your time inside, usually a private or semi-private office. You get some-what standardized work schedule (depending on the company). Of course the bad side is the high stress level and long hours that sometimes must be put in.

The truck dispatcher’s salary seems to be on par with the truck driver’s. The average being $40,000, this does depend on experience, location, and size of the trucking company.

7 Most Popular Logistics Jobs in USA
Source: www.truck-max.com



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