Brake Calipers

7 Dangerous Signs That You Need To Inspect Brake Calipers

If the situation persist step out of the car and ask one of your family members of friends to drive the car instead of you and slowly pass by you and brake. If still the sounds is even louder that it is good idea to visit a mechanic shop before things get more complicated and start to affect your safety.


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Consult with mechanic what is it about and ask for advices. Please also be aware that mechanics will always propose a solution that is most easy and fastest to solve which in most cases is simply buying a new brake calipers. But wait! Ask them to clean and try to fix the existing ones. Usually it takes a bit of WD 40 and that’s it. Solved.

2. Poor Braking Performance

This is not easy to notice by ordinary drivers because the effects are visible only after you drive a lot of miles in the truck. Simply said some braking situation that required 100ft to a complete stop now will take up to 40ft more and it takes a good eye and attention to this to notice that.

Brake Calipers

All these situations cab caused by multiple reasons and that makes this even harder to notice. Possible reason include old brake pads, used brake discs, brake oil is old so it is not to blame the brake calipers but they need to be inspected immediately too.

3. Uneven Braking

Very dangerous situation and very unpleasant especially to a rookie or less skilled truck drivers and take a full concentration and experience to handle if that happens. You will notice this kind of situations in a way that you apply pressure to a brake pedal a truck start slowing down but the force drives him in one direction either left or right instead of going straight.



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