Check in advance which option suits you better and create better savings for you. Also ask them is there any chance that your discount could be higher if you buy more wheels and equipment every year. Let’s say if you double or triple your spending.
This way you can ask your friends that also have trucking companies and three of you can buy the wheels together so that you can all individually benefit from those big discounts. Hey, there is a lot of ways to get to desired and cheap truck wheels you just need to show some initiative and think out of the box.
6. Buy Truck Wheels From States Having Low Sales Tax
Also another good tip but for some type of companies it is not easy to achieve that they buy wheels all over the state. Again you could be saving up to 10% off the retail price which is nice amount of money. Getting $100 just for buying truck wheels in other instead of one place sound interesting.
I don’t want to bug you so here is the list of the states that have the lowest sales tax so if your driver is driving on that road maybe you can remind him to quickly stop by and buy some wheels and this way save you some money.