7 Tips To Know Before Hiring A Truck Driver Recruiting Agency

7 Tips To Know Before Hiring A Truck Driver Recruiting Agency

Never Consent To Monthly Commission From Driver Salary

Of all the ways to pay for the truck driver recruiting agency services, this is by far the worst option. This option is very common with many of the temp agencies. They find a candidate, and then they get a percentage of the candidate’s salary. The actual amount varies but can get pretty high. So you end up paying more than what you bargained for.

If you are planning to pay $15.00 an hour for each new driver and the agency takes 25% ($3.75), the driver only gets $11.25. Now either you up your pay to $20.00 (agencies gets 25% or $5 and the driver gets $15) or you are forced to pay the drivers less. What quality of driver can you get for $11.25 an hour? So don’t pay a commission based on the driver’s salary. It will cost you in the long run, either money or quality (and both can add up rather quickly).

7 Tips To Know Before Hiring A Truck Driver Recruiting Agency
Source: www.talkingtruckers.com

Negotiate Money Back Guarantee If Driver Quits

This is a tricky one, especially if you operate in a right to work state. People have the right to work wherever they wish and to move to other opportunities as they arise. However, there can be some repercussions for quitting a job too soon.



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