7 Tips To Know Before Hiring A Truck Driver Recruiting Agency

7 Tips To Know Before Hiring A Truck Driver Recruiting Agency

At the same time keep your expectations realistic. Speak with the truck driver recruiting agency and make sure they are clear on what you need, and why you need it!

7 Tips To Know Before Hiring A Truck Driver Recruiting Agency
Source: www.Magicvalley.com

The Ice Truckers in Canada definitely need experience for that environment, but so does a driver hauling oil or tanker truck across Texas. You want someone who can properly handle the truck and trailer; in most kinds of environments (if you operate in multiple states or one where the weather changes constantly and have dangerous roads) you will also need a driver with the right endorsements for that job. So make sure your agency understands this and recruits the proper drivers.

7 Tips To Know Before Hiring A Truck Driver Recruiting Agency
Source: www.trucking.mb.ca

Check How Often Their Drivers Change Work

This is a telltale sign of the type of agency and the type of drivers the truck driver recruiting agency handles. Just because a person switches jobs doesn’t mean they are a bad candidate. But if they are constantly switching from one company to another you might want to not hire them. Chances are they will drop you as quickly as the 20 other companies before you.



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