7 top secrets you should buy white freightliner 1

7 Top Secrets You Should Buy White Freightliner

The cabin of white Freightliner trucks being white reflects more sunlight than a dark truck cabin. The lighter the color – the cooler the cabin air and the less of need to run your air conditioner. And by not running your air conditioner constantly it will contribute to decreasing fuel economy. Also if you don’t use air conditioner in your white Freightliner you will increase the tailpipe emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants.

Owning a white Freightliner it will influence in a positive way both the driver and the planet. White color reflects around 60% of sun rays.

4.White Freightliner Get Barely Stopped By Police Inspection

It is said that white Freightliner is the least likely to be noticed by the police. Many officers tend to say that they don’t profile cars, only driving habits, but in practice it’s not like that.

7 top secrets you should buy white freightliner
Source: www.eblog.mercedes-benz-passion.com

Hence, it is scientifically proven that whatever colors drive your attention will be exactly the same to officers. Usually the truck drivers who are driving white Freightliner are more conservative in their driving and are respecting the rules.



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