7 Ways How Truck Mirrors Increase Safety

7 Ways How Truck Mirrors Increase Safety

There is even an added cost to be considered, upset and perhaps even lost customers. If the freight is late or damaged most customers won’t be very understanding, especially if it was caused by something that could have been easily prevented.

A reputation is hard to build but easy to lose. How would you like to explain the reason you lost a major client was something so simple. The reason so banal; you didn’t take proper care of your truck mirrors?

7 Ways How Truck Mirrors Increase Safety 3Source: www.youtube.com

 Choose the Proper Mirrors for Your Truck

This might sound like common sense, but you would be surprised, especially with inexperienced drivers. They head out on the open road and something happens to their mirror. An honest accident, say kids were playing baseball in the empty lot next to the truck stop, when all of a sudden a batter cracks the ball and drives it straight into the truck mirror.

Well now there are a few choices that can be made (after getting upset). Don’t fix it and risk having a blind spot. Or grab just any vehicle mirror off the shelf. Well, neither is the right answer. Make sure you not only get a proper truck mirror, but make sure you will get one that’s recommended by the manufacturer for your make and model of truck.

7 Ways How Truck Mirrors Increase Safety 4Source: www.thinkingdriver.wordpress.com



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