8 Things You Never Knew About Cattle Transportation

8 Things You Never Knew About Cattle Transportation

If there are any special requirements, or special needs you must be able to deal with them and/or know who to contact in the event of an issue.

8 Things You Never Knew About Cattle Transportation
Source: www.animaltransportationassociation.org

Obviously a cow getting loose isn’t the same as a vial of dangerous bacteria getting loose, but both can cause some serious problems. While bacteria might get people sick, there is a cure, if treated properly.

However the steer running down the highway can cause accidents and property damage. It could even cause bodily injuries; it does cause an accident or even runs over someone.

This scenario might seem like a funny visual in your head, as you picture some cow outrunning the people trying to catch it. But do you know what isn’t funny?

The rise in your insurance premiums that will result from this won’t be a laughing matter. Neither will the negative effect this will have on your safety rating.

The upset customer might even cost you future contracts. Plus the negative publicity from seeing this as it shown on TV and then put on YouTube and shared on Facebook a million times.

Here is just an example of what I am speaking about:

So, just remember before you decide to handle certain types of freight be sure the positives outweigh the negatives. Also make your company handle and potentially negative feedback if there were an incident.



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