Analyze Vehicle
Maintenance Plan and
Reduce Warranty Expenses

Data paired with the ML algorithms will proactively detect anomalies and eliminate possible vehicle recalls.

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Reduce Vehicle Warranty Claims & Expenses

Capture live data feed from your vehicles directly to your company and apply ML algorithms that are continuously learning to recognize data patterns that are leading to vehicle failure and causing you additional expenses.

Reduce warranty claims and expense by acting proactively and add data to every vehicle component to understand the quality and durability. Start making quantitative decisions based on the data collected and choose your vendors based on the facts.
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Detect Vehicle Recalls Much Sooner

Act proactively by recognizing data patterns that are alarming you in advance what can go wrong with unique FRR - Failure Risk Ratio calculated for every vehicle and single component installed.

Increase vehicle safety and avoid insurance claims with the Fueloyal Maintenance Module. Launch this module in less than 90 days to make sure your company reputation is protected. Get a unique market position and rely on data and objective information when planning.

Analyze Supplier Quality and Reliability

Choosing the right vendor and supplier plays a crucial role in every new vehicle development and design. But how to ensure that we are always making the best choice for us? We have the answer - analyze every component this vendor ever delivered to you and compare him with competitors.

Data will tell you everything - let us show you what it can do for you. Our Maintenance module uses self developed and proprietary ML algorithms that require short training time. As a product it can be integrated or act as independent software depending on your preferences.
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