Truck drivers not welcome at Walmart! – Do you remember that story? You probably remember when this and other such articles were circulating around the internet?
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Well, before I go any further, rest assured it was and still is 100 percent fake! It did not happen, well not officially anyway.
There are several articles debunking this such as Snopes. Walmart never had an official corporate policy stating “truck drivers not welcome at Walmart”, or any such policy banning truckers from shopping in their stores. Nor does any major retailer have such a policy for that matter.
This includes:
Neither do any of the hundreds of other retail and fast food businesses that can be found on such list as the National Retail Federation or in Forbes, will ever say something like that. None of the major outlets have or would ever have such a policy as truck drivers not welcome at Walmart, or similar nonsense!
Truckers and the trucking industry is their life blood! Why would truck drivers be banned from their stores?
Truckers are not only an important part of their industry but when it comes to customers they are the more respectable looking class of shoppers.