How To Avoid Expensive Diesel Truck Repair

Discover How To Avoid Expensive Diesel Truck Repair

There are many things, but here are a few to help guide you in the right direction.

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Maintain your truck

This is the most important aspect of any business. I have touched on this so many times because it is the key to any operation. It is imperative that your organization sets up and follows a standard maintenance schedule. Broken equipment can’t transport freight.

Diesel truck repair is more than the cost of the parts and fixing the truck. It is the cost of salaries paid to staff, and to repair shops, and time. But even more important is the potential lost revenue from not being able to transport your client’s cargo.

Drivers are the first step in reducing or eliminating or at least reducing truck repair cost. How? After all it’s the maintenance departments, dispatcher’s, or other assigned person’s responsibility for setting up the schedule. That might be true; however, it is the driver that is in the truck every day. They are the one who needs to check the fluid levels, the tires, and other things on a regular basis, if not daily. So it is the driver who is firstly responsible for prevention of, or at least keeping the diesel truck repair cost to a minimum.

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