Truck Scale Penalties

Discover Secret Ways How to Avoid Truck Scale Penalties

It is not a science fiction to control those beasts but sure there is some secrets and techniques only experienced drivers know and it is in some complicated cases a matter of art. They are real wizards and dealing with overweight and oversized loads requires experts to handle it.

Overweight Trucks Interfere in More Crashes

This is a fact unfortunately that overweight trucks interfere in more crashes compared to the percentage of standard trucks. I would say this happens for reason that this is not the situation that was well planed and prepared.


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Usually what happens is that you have a Class truck driver that is on the road for at least 40 days in a row and once of a sudden dispatchers were able to get the load that seems OK but someone at the dock makes a mistake and overloads the trucks.

Add to this equation a tired truck driver and possible inexperienced one and there you go, the chances for something not planned to happen just doubled. And this is how unexpected things happen – there is a lot of small mistakes that lead to one big with serious impact to truck driver and company. Be aware of this situations if you are working with low profile brokers and companies.

Who is In Charged of Truck Scales and Truck Weight Inspection?

Ever since from the beginning of the 20st century when the first trucks scales weight stations started to work in most states Police was in charged for the inspection of the overweight vehicles and it is still in charged to audit the vehicles.

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To be 100% correct Police is working together with some of the state authorities such as  Motor Carrier Division and some others. This is joint team to work together in providing more control and safer environment for all traffic participants.

How Trucks Scales Inspection Works

It works in a very smart way and there is a procedure how the entire process is being conducted. So I will show a quick overview for those guys who are just beginning their driver career how this works – remember there is nothing to be afraid of.



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