Truck Scale Penalties

Discover Secret Ways How to Avoid Truck Scale Penalties

In most cases you will see a weigh station which is just a regular check point where trucks and in some other cases other types of commercial vehicles are being inspected.
Around few mile before every weigh stations you will start to see signs like this that are supposed to warn you that you are approaching a weigh station.

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In some cases some truck scales can even identify your truck by built in transponder and determine automatically are you qualified for a weight inspections. Some other weigh stations will require all trucks to go trough the check point where they will be inspected. It all depends how advanced is the weigh check point and what is the technology used.

Don’t be surprised when you see some sort of displays saying and informing you that you should take the exist towards weight check point. That kind of advance technology will recognize your truck if he is from the company that has some issues with over weight trucks in the past and if you are from that kind of company you will be directed to weight stations more often.



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