How To Become a Truck Driver – Power Guide With 10 Ultimate Secrets

And if you get to be a rookie driver, the annual salary will approximately be $40,000. So, make sure you do the right choices regarding what you drive and what you transport.

Weigh The Trucking Job Pros And Cons

As in any other profession, in the trucking business there are good and bad sides too. What will be very important and on what you need to focus is the fact that all the good sides are exactly what you need and all the bad sides are something you can live with.

For most people, most truck drivers of course, the pros and cons are more or less the same.

So make sure you read other people’s experiences before you make any conclusion.


Therefore, the most common pro, besides the good salary, is the freedom of travel. Which people love and appreciate. The fact that they do not have to deal with any boss that will stand around their office desk constantly is a dream come true.

Next thing is the cheap training. The training to become a truck driver is very inexpensive and basically anyone can do it.



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